Islamabad High Court Allow Court Reporting | Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF)

Pakistan Press Foundation

Islamabad High Court Allow Court Reporting

Pakistan Press Foundation

The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on June 11 ruled that electronic media can report court proceedings, following the guidelines set by the Supreme Court.

IHC Chief Justice Amir Farooq Malik presided over the hearing of petitions filed by the Islamabad High Court Journalists Association, the Press Association of Supreme Court, and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ). These petitions challenged a notification issued by the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) that imposed a ban on court reporting.

The Pemra notification, issued on May 19, prohibits television channels from airing tickers or headlines related to ongoing court cases and limits reporting to written court orders.

Petitioners argued that the restrictions are overly broad and infringe upon the public’s right to be informed about judicial proceedings. They contended that Pemra lacks the authority to impose such limitations and that the notification misinterprets a Supreme Court judgment.

High Court Bar President Ali Azad and Adil Aziz Qazi represented the petitioners, advocating for the rights of journalists to report on judicial proceedings. PEMRA’s counsel requested the court to adjourn the hearing without proceedings, citing the unavailability of the senior lawyer who was occupied with a case in the Supreme Court.

While granting the adjournment until the first week of July, the court clarified that electronic media could resume reporting court proceedings immediately, adhering to the established Supreme Court guidelines.

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