29 | June | 2024 | Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF)

Pakistan Press Foundation

Daily Archives: June 29, 2024

Federal Information Minister Assures Formation of Committee for Journalists’ Protection Amid Reporters National Assembly Walkout

Pakistan Press Foundation

Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Attaullah Tarar assured journalists about establishing a committee to protect journalists, addressing reporters’ concerns during a protest at the National Assembly on June 28. Reporters covering parliamentary activities staged a walkout from the National Assembly’s Press Gallery, voicing fears over their safety and working environment in Parliament House. Addressing the […]

PTA Proposes 15-Year Licenses for WhatsApp, Netflix, and More Under New Internet Rules

Pakistan Press Foundation

On June 26, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) proposed a new regulatory framework for Over-The-Top (OTT) services in Pakistan, encompassing widespread communication, application, and media platforms, with a proposed 15-year license requirement for operation in the country. The framework categorizes OTT services into three distinct groups. First, OTT Communication Services (OCS), which include real-time communication platforms like WhatsApp, […]