Greek Government Imposes Five-Year Entry Ban on Pakistani Journalist Mona Khan | Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF)

Pakistan Press Foundation

Greek Government Imposes Five-Year Entry Ban on Pakistani Journalist Mona Khan

Pakistan Press Foundation

On May 26, the Greek government imposed a five-year ban on Pakistani journalist Mona Khan’s entry into Greece. The anchorperson for state-run PTV News and marathon runner was detained by Greek police on May 24 during a hiking trip for displaying a Pakistani flag. She was released the next day after the Pakistani Embassy promptly intervened by securing legal representation and directly engaging with Greek officials.

Allegations of police mistreatment surfaced, prompting swift diplomatic action. Authorities also seized Khan’s mobile phone.

Khan is directed to leave Greece within 20 days and her name has been added to the Schengen Information System, effectively banning her from all Schengen countries.

Khan’s name was added to Greece’s National Security list just 24 hours before her arrest, though the reasons behind this decision remain undisclosed. A social media campaign targeting Khan’s identity, achievements, and arrest has also emerged in Greece.

The Pakistani Embassy in Greece acted swiftly to secure Khan’s release, hiring a lawyer, ensuring consular access, and providing support during her detention. Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch confirmed the embassy’s efforts, stating: “The Pakistani Embassy hired a lawyer and ensured consular access to Mona Khan. Embassy officials visited her in jail to provide support and facilitate her release.”

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