PPF’s Seminar Calls for Strengthened Enforcement of Journalist Protection Laws | Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF)

Pakistan Press Foundation

PPF’s Seminar Calls for Strengthened Enforcement of Journalist Protection Laws

A seminar on “Effective Use of Journalist Protection Laws” organized by the Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) at Multan Press Club on May 14, highlighted ongoing challenges and governmental commitments to journalist safety and legislative implementation. Maqsooda Ansari, a local leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-N, emphasized the government’s dedication to the safety of journalists and the resolution of outstanding financial obligations to media houses.

The event, attended by a diverse group of participants including human rights advocates, journalists from various media, and government officials, focused on the Protection of Journalists and Media Professionals Act, 2021, but noted the substantial gaps in its enforcement. Ansari pledged comprehensive support for media personnel, underscoring media’s critical role in society.

Faisal Mehmood, Regional Coordinator of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), criticized the inefficacy of the laws safeguarding journalists and their economic empowerment. He highlighted the need for better implementation of existing legislation by both the Centre and Sindh government.

Discussions also touched on the broader issues affecting journalists, which were recurrent themes throughout the seminar. Many speakers, including Rauf Maan, President of the Multan Union of Journalists, and Nisar Awan, General Secretary of Multan Press Club, voiced their concerns over the perceived neglect in implementing protective measures for journalists.

The seminar also called for amendments to civil and criminal defamation laws, particularly Pakistan Penal Code Section 499, to better protect journalists against legal challenges that may arise from their professional activities. Yousuf Abid, President of the Multan Court Reporter Association, specifically highlighted this issue.

Sadia Kirmani, a prominent social figure, advocated for heightened attention to the issues faced by female journalists, while Deputy Director of Information Asim Naeem promised further government support for public relief initiatives.

Speakers at the seminar, including the facilitator Lala Hassan, a human rights defender and media trainer, urged for the creation of fact-finding committees within press clubs to address incidents against journalists promptly. The need for collective efforts to ensure journalists’ safety and rights was a unifying call during the discussions.

The seminar concluded with an acknowledgment of the PPF’s role in raising awareness and fostering dialogue on journalist safety, with many participants expressing gratitude for the initiative.

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