PTI Slams Government’s Installation of Firewall as ‘Unconstitutional, Illegal, and Dictatorial’ | Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF)

Pakistan Press Foundation

PTI Slams Government’s Installation of Firewall as ‘Unconstitutional, Illegal, and Dictatorial’

Pakistan Press Foundation

On June 14, a Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) spokesperson criticized the government for what the party described as an “unconstitutional, illegal, and dictatorial” installation of a firewall that the party stated was intended to suppress fundamental rights to freedom of expression and access to information.

It was reported that to regulate online content, the Government of Pakistan is installing a national firewall across various internet service providers (ISPs) to control and block unwanted content on social media. 

A well-placed official, when asked if the firewall had been purchased, confirmed to The News, “It is already bought. Now it is being installed and commissioned.” 

The PTI spokesperson accused the government of being “mandate thieves” and vowed that they would resist any “unconstitutional and illegal bans” particularly on social media. 

The spokesperson condemned the allocation of billions of rupees “to silence the people and the media” and emphasized that PTI would ensure that public opinion remains unaffected by those “hiding behind the firewall.” He called for the Constitution’s restoration and the public mandate’s return.

Additionally, the PTI spokesperson strongly condemned the arrest of anchorperson Imran Riaz Khan and the government’s action preventing him from performing Hajj, despite an order from the Islamabad High Court (IHC) permitting him to travel. 

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