UNESCO Adopts Pakistan-Led Resolution on Countering Disinformation | Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF)

Pakistan Press Foundation

UNESCO Adopts Pakistan-Led Resolution on Countering Disinformation

Pakistan Press Foundation

A Pakistan-led resolution, “Countering Disinformation for the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Expression and Access to Information,” was unanimously adopted at the 220th Session of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)  Executive Board. Co-sponsored by more than 50 Member States, the resolution aims to address the growing concern of global disinformation, misinformation, and hate speech.

Pakistan’s Ambassador and Permanent Delegate, Asim Iftikhar Ahmad, expressed gratitude to all Member States for their contributions and support in achieving consensus on the resolution. He emphasized that the resolution positions UNESCO as a central player in a multi-dimensional and multi-stakeholder approach to counter disinformation. This approach aims to effectively promote and protect freedom of expression and access to information, leveraging UNESCO’s mandate as the lead UN agency in this field.

The resolution, resulting from extensive consultations, calls upon the Director-General of UNESCO to provide an update on the organization’s initiatives to counter disinformation on digital platforms. It also requests a report on enhancing UNESCO’s role in effectively countering disinformation, misinformation, and hate speech while promoting and protecting freedom of expression and access to information.

The Executive Board, one of UNESCO’s governing bodies, is responsible for setting the agenda for the General Conference and reviewing UNESCO’s program of work and budget. Pakistan currently serves as Vice-President of the Asia-Pacific region on the Executive Board.

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